
In chapter 3 of David Bordwell's Narrative as a Formal System, Bordwell explains how to create a story with all of the necessary components. There always needs to be some sort of narration. This is either be directly spoken by a narrator or a character, or the narration can be inferred in a silent film if there aren't any words. There's a difference between a plot and a story. The plot is mainly the events of one particular story. On the other hand, story is the sum of all of the plots. An example of plot is just the events of Star Wars A New Hope where Luke Skywalker travels everywhere to eventually duel with Darth Vader. A story would be the whole complete plots that happen throughout the whole course of the Star Wars series.    I think that a film's plot have various distinct components because without them, the story would just go on and on and on, not being able to finish. There should always be a certain time, place, beginning, middle and an end. 
In Methods of Montage, it explains how there are different ways to create a montage. An example is a rhythmic montage. This is when the scene changes according to the change in music, i.e. drums. The difference between a tonal and an overtonal montage is that the overtonal montage seeks to give you this physiological perception, while tonal montage gives you the emotional feel of a piece. I think that there should be more studies/research on overtonal montages because I think that there could be so many more uses for it. 
David Bordwell - Narrative as a Formal System every thing we tell or dreams on night are can be tell like story. film tells the story. narrative movies are most common in fictional films. i like the way he wrote about Time. For example, causes and effects are basic on narrative. that is main thing and lead the movies beginning to end.
The way in which a film is narrated is important for the course of it, and understand what happens. I agree that video is an art. The narrative can give a limited point of view as the characters or also a broader point than the characters and see more than them.
 David Bordwell - Narrative perspective Narrative form is the most common in fictional films , It can also appear in all other media , Many animated films such as Disney, Warner Bros and countless other experimental productions use avant -garde films .
Hito Steryl : Is the internet dead ?  This is not a metaphorical question , Its not dysfunctional , Or out of fashion , not only sparks imagination , attention and productivity of more people , this implies a spatial dimension . - Joseph Delgado 
Sergei Eisenstein has written five Methods of montage. All the methods is about how director can make people feel  differently when they watched cinema.  the most I like and agree with his methods is tonal methods because if every movie scene of frame   has tone of music that will change the people mind, way of noticing or feeling.